Loyalty discounts

Information for customers

Loyalty discount applies to all registered customers in our online store and will be evaluated after each paid order, based on the achieved turnover. If a customer reaches a certain turnover from paid orders, whether online or in-store (excluding shipping), they will have a loyalty discount throughout the following period (the discount does not apply to promotional and discount items), as shown in the table below:

Celkový obrat zrealizovaný cez elektronický obchod
Výška obratov vernostná zľava v %
Od Do
10 € 49,99 € 1 %
50 € 99,99 € 2 %
100 € 249,99 € 3 %
250 € 499,99 € 4 %
500 € 999,99 € 5 %
1000 € 1499,99 € 6 %
1500 € 1999,99 € 7 %
2000 € 2499,99 € 8 %
2500 € 3499,99 € 9 %
3500 € a viac 10 %

We will inform you about obtaining a new loyalty discount via email, as well as when you log in to your user account.